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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Don't try this at home

Do not dry hot peppers in the microwave. We dry our herbs in the microwave-place on paper towel, zap 2 min, open door for 10 min, stir & repeat. Works great. Today, Charlie decided to dry a plateful of hot peppers that way-he first removed the stem & cut them in half & then started the drying process. The first cycle wasn't too bad-a couple of sneezes & a cough or 2, but the second time through was really rough. We both kept coughing & blowing our noses. My bronchial tubes still hurt. I think that it's back to air drying for the hot peppers. Oh, by the way, if you decide to grind up a batch of hot peppers, it's OK to use the food processor, but cover the whole bowl with a wet towel first. (We learned that one several years ago.)

1 comment:

Deb R said...

Oh god....Johnny did the dried peppers in the food processor thing a few years ago (no towel! didn't know that trick then!) and I thought I was going to die. Seriously! I had to leave the house and it was hours before I could walk into the kitchen without choking.


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Retired from Verizon in 2002. Moved from Delaware to Pennsylvania Wilds in 2003. Sorry about the comment word verification-I was getting too many blog commentspams.