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Thursday, April 29, 2010

strange day

First fishing-no bites-even went to 2 of our favorite spots. Went to camp to take care of camp kitty, Muskrat. Hung out at the Eagles club looking for Al (Charlie wanted to hire him to help with the lawn.) Grocery store, home. At 4:00, reading today's paper, I saw an ad-"one day only sale thursday apr. 29 at the old Dollar Bazzaar everything $.50". Threw down the paper, raced to the store (It's been closed since 2000), spent $45.00. Decided to stop at the Keystone bar-Charlie was still there. Found out that the daytime bartender had just gone off shift in tears. I had loaned her a blue fox vest. (that I had made from a coat that I had bought at a church sale for $5.00) Her dog had gotten it & chewed a hole in it. I came home, found the pieces that had been leftover when I made it & fixed it-2 hour job, but to be honest, 3/4 hour was spent looking through fabrics to find a compatable lining patch. If the skins haven't become brittle, furs are easy to work on. I plan to wear it to the bar tomorrow morning to show her that everything is OK & nothing to stress about. I lived with too much stress for too many years to get worried about anything like that.

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Retired from Verizon in 2002. Moved from Delaware to Pennsylvania Wilds in 2003. Sorry about the comment word verification-I was getting too many blog commentspams.