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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

quilts in progress

I'm almost finished my fall challenge quilt for the quilt guild & I'm about 1/2 way through my purple challenge for the fiber pirates, but today, Charlie requested a spider in a web. I don't usually do Halloween decorations, but I thought that a cobweb would be fun & we both needed something to cheer us up after learning that a good friend was killed in an automobile accident over the weekend, so...

Those white things hanging out of his mouth that look like 2 ciggarettes were supposed to be fangs.

1 comment:

Trina said...

Cigarettes are just as deadly! LOL!


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Retired from Verizon in 2002. Moved from Delaware to Pennsylvania Wilds in 2003. Sorry about the comment word verification-I was getting too many blog commentspams.