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Sunday, January 22, 2006

a bear story

I made this teddy bear last week. The pattern calls for fiberfill in the extremities & bean bag filling for the body. When I bought the bean bag filling, I was told to use it outside, as the poppy seed sized styrofoam balls are full of static & will go everywhere. I stuffed it on the front porch & it looked like it had snowed on the floor. I figured that the wind would blow it away in a day or 2. Because it was a nice day, I told Charlie that I'd be working in the flower beds for a while. Petey, my beautiful long haired peach colored cat, didn't want me to be outside while he was inside so he cried at the door. Charlie let him out & he immediately rolled in the styro. He looked like a melty mint-little styro balls all the way to his skin. No, I didn't take his picture. I took him straight to the bath tup where he got a shower. What a mess!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

this is an extremely sweet little bear!
and i know whereof you speak w/the fiberfilly stuff. we bought some to restuff our beanbag --- oh my dog! that stuff attaches to everything! i'm having fun imagining petey all snowy. hee hee


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Retired from Verizon in 2002. Moved from Delaware to Pennsylvania Wilds in 2003. Sorry about the comment word verification-I was getting too many blog commentspams.