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Saturday, November 05, 2011

Ruby ring

I'm excited! A couple of years ago, I went to a yard sale at the home of an antique dealer who has bragged about doing all kinds of tricks to hide flaws in his stock. (ie super glue in hairline cracks in glassware.) He had a bowl of costume jewelry for $.25. I found this ring, it fit & it didn't feel like costume to me, so I bought it.   I wore it off & on, but was afraid that the worn prongs would let the ruby fall out. Last month I took it to a local jeweler to see if it was worth fixing. He quoted me a price, but said that it would have to be completely redone & suggested that I might want to consider having the ruby reset in a different style. He also told me that if this ring were in new condition, it would sell for $1200.00. I took it home & told Charlie. He said that he would like to give me a new setting for Christmas.  I thought about it, made a very rough sketch of what I wanted & took it to the designer at the jewelry store. He refined my design & made a beautiful sketch of what he'll make.                                                                          

                                                                     Original ring.
Jeweler's sketch

1 comment:

Jan said...

So what did you get for Christmas???


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Retired from Verizon in 2002. Moved from Delaware to Pennsylvania Wilds in 2003. Sorry about the comment word verification-I was getting too many blog commentspams.