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Friday, November 17, 2006

4in1 sandwich

I have to brag about the sandwiches that I made today. Yesterday I made a 9" round sourdough bread using the starter that I just got from King Arthur I'm very pleased with the sourdough starter:
I got the crock, too. Charlie told me to order whatever I wanted from the catalog, so I got the sourdough & crock & 2 heavy cookie sheets to replace my @*##! "nonstick" ones.
Back to the sandwiches... I used 1 slice of bread from the middle of the loaf, spread butter lightly on 1 side & broiled until toasty. Flipping the slices over, I put Dijon mustard on Charlie's (Yuck). I put ham on 1/2 of the slice & pastrami on the other half. Then dividing in the other direction, I put swiss on half & cheddar on the other half. Under the broiler for a nice melt & bubble. Yum!

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Retired from Verizon in 2002. Moved from Delaware to Pennsylvania Wilds in 2003. Sorry about the comment word verification-I was getting too many blog commentspams.