So beautiful! but I'm sad. I've been trying to tame a stray kitty since July, so I could take her to get spayed & have an outdoor cat. We've made some progress-from running as fast as she could if she even caught a glimpse of me anywhere in the yard to letting me open the storm door a crack & drop treats on the door mat while she sits 2 feet away or letting me come slowly out the door & sit in a chair 6 feet from the porch railing where she's eating. Saturday, Charlie discovered that she has 4 kittens in our woodshed. 1 black, 2 gray & a very cute gray & white one who wouldn't come out while I was sitting there. The pictures aren't very good. The sun was going down & I was getting cold.

I told Charlie that I was going to name one of them "Meatloaf" because they're the same size as a loaf pan. Now I have 5 wild kitties to tame & get neutered. I'm guessing that they are between 5-8 weeks old. They have little carrot tails, but they were very interested in the fish & gravy cat food that I put out, so I'm assuming that mom (Billie Jean Bailey) is beginning to wean them.