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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Tyke goes walkabout-(Slitherabout?)

Someone (I'm not going to name names, but it wasn't me.) forgot to put the brick on top of the snake's cage & she escaped for 2 days. Petey, the great snake hunter found her. Petey was giving intense attention to the base of a large dresser in the bedroom. I slid a yardstick underneath & felt a heavy soft lump, so I annoyed her with gentle yardstick pokes until she came out & we put her back in her terrarium. She spent the next few hours checking every hole in the lid to see if she could escape again.


:-D eirdre said...

Please remind me - that I am not coming to visit!

Anonymous said...

Hey Becky! If you are tired of snake herding, drop me a line! I have questions about a 1914 tredle machine I just got. It is just a FR white, but it has the gold lacy design. :)


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Retired from Verizon in 2002. Moved from Delaware to Pennsylvania Wilds in 2003. Sorry about the comment word verification-I was getting too many blog commentspams.